Okay, so I have found out more about the Armenian nose:
The wise Armenian women who have shared their stories with us claim the following and
I enjoyed hearing their stories and listening to their giggles as they shared with us the following:
The larger the nose the kinder the person!
You can tell how kind a person is by the size of their nose.
Armenians have large noses because they are some of the kindest people on earth!
Armenians are mountain people and need a large nose to warm the air before it enters their lungs otherwise they would always be sick with things like asthma and such -
Word of the day
Pedicure = toe refreshment
Padraste: we're ready
Verchatsene: we're finished
Dooile Leshark = bucket line
Ingher = friend
Vardaquin = pink
Gagarch = poppy
Vart = rose
Hogh = dirt
Skul = school
Achig = girl
Get = river
Dooster = daughter
Maireek/mama = mother
Avalush = see you later
Aghves = fox
Cove = cow
Hoki = soul/spirit
Beton = cement
Badinka = boots (in Russian)
Voznie = hedgehog
Leeka = full
Dartak = empty
Kyle/Gayle = wolf
Shoot -Shoot = fast/faster
Lav = good
Shatlav = best/ very good
Dune = house
Che = no
Voch = no
Hah = yes
IO = yes
Havanetsie = I like it
Eench Areshez = what is the cost
Auntsrev = rain
Tsegh = mud
Hav = chicken
Kar = stone
Khoomb = team
Dooile = bucket
Barkavatshel = prosper
Parev = Hello
Padraste: we're ready
Verchatsene: we're finished
Dooile Leshark = bucket line
Ingher = friend
Vardaquin = pink
Gagarch = poppy
Vart = rose
Hogh = dirt
Skul = school
Achig = girl
Get = river
Dooster = daughter
Maireek/mama = mother
Avalush = see you later
Aghves = fox
Cove = cow
Hoki = soul/spirit
Beton = cement
Badinka = boots (in Russian)
Voznie = hedgehog
Leeka = full
Dartak = empty
Kyle/Gayle = wolf
Shoot -Shoot = fast/faster
Lav = good
Shatlav = best/ very good
Dune = house
Che = no
Voch = no
Hah = yes
IO = yes
Havanetsie = I like it
Eench Areshez = what is the cost
Auntsrev = rain
Tsegh = mud
Hav = chicken
Kar = stone
Khoomb = team
Dooile = bucket
Barkavatshel = prosper
Parev = Hello
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Tulips and Toes
For once, healthy airplane food! |
Veronica from Poland helped me choose the color: It's called "color so hot it berns" (spelling is correct) |
Sitting in THE CHAIR in the spa! |
More to catch up on later, my time at the kiosk is running low. Thanks to all of you who have been sending emails and reading about my adventures.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Country Mouse City Mouse
Country |
Yerevan |
Thursday morning; final breakfast at our hotel: honey, hard boiled eggs, bread and peas. We bumped along the pot holes in the streets of Vanadzor - Melik and other drivers on the road do a great job navigating around each bump. Where pot holes are concerned, all rules of the road no longer exhsit - you are allowed to drive wherever you want to avoid them, including 2 inches away from the next car, 1 inch away from the next car - sideways in the road (I don't know how they do it), in the middle of the road, on the opposite side of the road, you can even weave very quickly back and forth and pause on the sidewalk if need be. It's very interesting and makes me glad that I'm not the one behind the wheel.
We were headed to Lake Sevan about one hour away. Lake Sevan is the first and most famous national park in Armenia. It was designated a national park in 1978 and is one of the largest freshwater alpine lakes in the world. In Europe only Lake Geneva is larger. Lake Sevan covers about 4% of the country (close to the forest cover). It is almost 2,000 meters above sea level. We arrived just in time for a light rain - that didn't daunt us as we climbed more than 200 steps to the Sevanavank monastery. Ancient ruins, amazing views. The site of the monastery used to be located on an Island in Lake Sevan - at some point under Soviet rule, the Soviets decided it would be a good idea to drain Lake Sevan to 1/5 of it's original size so that they could farm the land. The plan was started but protests by the people stopped the draining project - but the island became a peninsula instead. It is a very popular vacation spot and people from Yerevan drive up for picnics and beach and swimming during the hot summers.
Lake Sevan |
Collecting Obsidian |
Outside the Matendaran |
Armenian coffee
Verchatsene: We are finished!
Naira and Vrez |
Construction team with family and friends |
Naira, Vrez, Samson, Vahe, Vahan |
The strength of our Fuller Housing Team! |
The evening was spent celebrating our work with the Vanadzor Fuller Housing team: Melik, Tativik and Jivan. We had another banquet with many toasts. The team dined on rabbit, some sort of flattened beef, amazing roasted potatoes and a variety of salads and breads - for dessert: ice cream and Armenian coffees. We all received plaques to hang above our doors at home that say "Bless this House" in Armenian. Arriving back at the hotel, we tumbled into bed with sounds of cement mixers and celebration in our heads.
Tatavik |
Our fancy banquet |
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Banquet
Pavlik & Marguerite |
cement work |
Yesterday we worked on the bucket line all-day. It was very sunny and hot - we almost exceeded our bucket fill from the first day, but because we took a long break to see the milking again, we didn't make it. We did move 6,900 buckets and completed the floor of another room. We also moved two buckets of milk!
goat and sheep milk |
We dined in a Fuller house with a family who had moved in one year ago. They had lived in their domik for 20 years prior to moving in. A mother, two daughters - the husband works during the summer in Russia on construction and sends money back to the family. She prepared a huge meal for us of fish and many salads that were delicious. We provided the funding to purchase the supplies for the meal. The roasted potatoes were amazing as was the preparation of the fish. She shared many stories about living in her new home and about her family - it made us all feel very proud to be working as a member of the Fuller housing team.
As a side note, we learned that there is no such thing as a mortgage here so a family must provide all of the funding for a house upfront - they must pay for it all at once. Fuller Center, provides the families with loans that they then pay back into a fund. From that fund, another family is able to purchase a house and so on and so on. A house that we're building costs $10,500. Other apartments and houses can cost even less.
completing the roof |
Lamb on the BBQ |
Hello from Tatevik
I am a volunteer and program coordinator of Fuller Center for Housing, Armenia, Vanadzor office. Today is the last day with my first team of 2011 in our region; the last working day. We have been working on the house construction of a needy family in the village of Yeghegnut.
My goal is that people knew more about the housing need in Armenia and came to help to illuminate the poverty housing in our country. Let this be a call for all diasporan Armenians to assist their country through Fuller Center for Housing. There are 35.000 homeless families in our country. 20% of population in Lori region is homeless. Most of the homeless people live in the temporary sheltors, which are called domiks, which do not have any human conditions to live. They live in 18 sq. m. domik, which doesn't have a bathroom and toilet is an outhouse. They don't have a running watter in the house, either.
My family consists of a husband, Arshaluis, a son, Argishti, and a daughter Anna. We live in Vanadzor in a condominium building in the center of town. We were born in Vanadzor and attended teacher's training institute in Vanadzor. I became interested in Fuller and was a volunteer for Habitat and then became a host coordinator for Habitat for four years. When Fuller was developed I started working for them as a program and host coordinator of Lori Region for three years. My husband teaches History, Human Rights, Law Armenian legislation and history of economy at the European Institute in Vanadzor. My mother cooks for the teams when they are here.
My goal is that people knew more about the housing need in Armenia and came to help to illuminate the poverty housing in our country. Let this be a call for all diasporan Armenians to assist their country through Fuller Center for Housing. There are 35.000 homeless families in our country. 20% of population in Lori region is homeless. Most of the homeless people live in the temporary sheltors, which are called domiks, which do not have any human conditions to live. They live in 18 sq. m. domik, which doesn't have a bathroom and toilet is an outhouse. They don't have a running watter in the house, either.
My family consists of a husband, Arshaluis, a son, Argishti, and a daughter Anna. We live in Vanadzor in a condominium building in the center of town. We were born in Vanadzor and attended teacher's training institute in Vanadzor. I became interested in Fuller and was a volunteer for Habitat and then became a host coordinator for Habitat for four years. When Fuller was developed I started working for them as a program and host coordinator of Lori Region for three years. My husband teaches History, Human Rights, Law Armenian legislation and history of economy at the European Institute in Vanadzor. My mother cooks for the teams when they are here.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Pink Poppies and Sheep Milk
Monday morning, May 23 - back to work. We enjoyed a breakfast of hard boiled eggs, peas with cilantro, bread and apricot jam. The milk was still in good shape so I enjoyed some in my freeze dried coffee :). We boarded the van and started off on our work day. As we drove through Vanadzor we watched the merchants setting out their wares to sell, bakeries delivering bread in wooden crate boxes, meats being hung out on hooks, coffee beans, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, even watermelon. All the wares add color to an otherwise colorless cityscape - which is mostly gray or tones of pink tufa stone that are subdued. Color is found in friendships, family and relationships - in the people not really in their buildings.
There has been so much rain that the river is running very high and fast. We took a different route through the mountains to our village today because of the soft mud on the steep roads. We arrived safely and in good time. We unloaded, soon a truck drove up and we unloaded concrete block - about 60 of them - that will be used to build the inside bathroom wall. After unloading the block, we formed our well oiled bucket line and began to fill in the floors. We work well together and it's amazing how many piles of soil and rocks we've moved effectively together. Sometimes practicing our alphabet out loud, sometimes zoning out to the rhythm of the "right hand empty left hand full" momentum. We had a few water breaks, watched the sky as we listened to thunder and watched the black clouds roll in - the rain held off until 5:00 p.m. the end of our day.
For lunch today we had the best cabbage type rolls ( they looked like dolmas but were cabbage leaves) - vegetarian and ones with meat - they were amazing - we ate and ate and ate. I asked for the recipe - we'll see if I can recreate them.
We walked back the mountainous path to the house - me with my bouquet - they with their full pails of frothy milk. I'm not sure what they do with it from there but I do know they make their own cheese and yogurt -

We worked on filling the floors in all day and moved 5,223 buckets according to Jim. The temperature dropped, the rain rolled in and we jumped on the van at 5:00, with our sore muscles, and avoided the downpour.
So back to the rain and the title of my blog tonight. The rain and intermittent sunshine has brought out the flowers - lilacs are beginning to bloom, yellow buttercups and something fluffy are everywhere, daisies are starting to bloom, peonies, the fruit trees covered in white snowy flowers, red poppies dot the hillsides, and today I saw the most amazing thing... pink poppies - beautiful petite flowers - a whole hillside full! They are a bright yet soft pink with dark purple on the inside - I've never seen a pink poppy like this before and I immediately thought of my mother and smiled - she's Armenian, a poppy lover to the heart and she

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Souls and BBQ
Sunday May 22.
We had a late breakfast 9:00 a.m. of bread and apricot jam, Nescafe coffee - with a new container of milk, a raw salad and a cooked green salad - it was a slim breakfast day that left us all wanting an egg of some sort - some thought hard boiled, some thought scrambled - in any event we were eggless.
We boarded the van to attend part of an Armenian church service. The women all had scarves as the women cover their hair when they enter the church. The bishop who had participated in the house blessing ceremony a few days before was in attendance at the church service. Services can last 3 hours or more and people come and go throughout the entire service. We entered at 11:00, lit candles for family members and friends and sent special blessings into the incense infused air. There were very few pews in the large church - we stood in the back behind the pews with most of the crowd. The choir was above and behind us hidden from view but their voices filled the space beautifully - angelic music, gorgeous music, music that fed the soul and it was a beautiful experience.
As planned, after spending about 40 minutes in the church service, we stopped for about 15 minutes to rush to a boot store and others went shopping in a silver store and an icon store. The first boot store we went to was unfortunately closed, and after much discussion about me wearing my one and only other pair of shoes: my Keen clogs - I convinced them no - it wouldn't work and that I did need some shoes and no someone else couldn't buy them for me and bring them to my hotel becuase I'd have to try them on to make sure they fit... the discussion went on and on until we decided to trek across to another market - quickly - to see if this other boot store / shoe store was open. We did and what sights we passed - sellers of fresh coffee beans, meat hanging from hooks, fresh vegetable displays, we arrived at the shoe store and it was open. In we went, and I looked around and couldn't figure out which were mens and which were womens - when I asked I was told - "whatever you want them to be". So I picked out a few shoes that might do - none were really hiking boot style but nonetheless I was looking for something that could withstand the mud. Something with a good sole. I asked for 7 1/2 size (37) - nope didn't have that size. No not that one either, no ... so I quickly figured out the system... which shoe do you have in a 71/2? They brought me one that was made in Italy, black (extra points !) and had a thick sole - perfect. I tried them on - they fit well enough for three days - they were mine for 9,900 dram (about$19).

Cement and Soles
National Salad |
Saturday May 21 was a full work day. We woke early, ate a breakfast of bread, apricot jam, national salad which is sort of like cooked spinach with some cooked egg and cilantro mixed in, and a hard boiled egg. The coffee here is either Nescafe freeze dried or Armenian coffee - it is hard to find a latte or even really a mug of coffee so we suffer through adding boiling water to the freeze dried crystals in our mug. Oh well, it grows on you. The hotel purchased a container of milk especially for our group - but it's grown old and chunky so we've all been avoiding using it which adds to the hotel staff's confusion about our request for milk "why do they want it if they don't use it?" And we can't seem to explain that we need a new one.
Cafe Jazzve |
Well, today, Saturday we would begin cement work. Because it was Saturday, the family was home all day and the boys; Sampson especially, were very excited to get to spend the entire day with us. The only modern tool we have on our worksite is a portable cement mixer - powered by a very thin cord spliced together to reach the work site - and propped up with a small tree to keep it off the ground. The scaffolding is an amazing design of platforms propped up with the trunks of small trees and the forms for the cement are hand built with pieces of wood, strings with rocks serve as plumb bobs to keep things level and straight and the workmanship of the men using these tools is amazingly accurate. We volunteers keep both of our feet on the ground - the higher ground work is done by the men in the family.
Three shovels of sand, a few shovels full of rocks, two pails of cement, one pail of water and away we went... over and over we mixed batch after batch and passed them to the workers who were pouring the cement "caps?" we're not sure what to call them - along the tops of all the walls that will hold the roof on. It was slow work so we had a chance to practice our Armenian words; "Dardak" -empty "Leeka" - full we'd say as we passed the bucket along. We practiced our numbers and learned the word for cement "Beton". I spied a giant pig in the valley below and I mean giant - it was out all by itself rooting around and walking along a well worn path. Chickens, goats and cows, birds. It was a peaceful morning - using new muscles and watching our backs we had found our rhythm.
Suddenly, it began to rain lightly, then moderately, then thunder, then... downpour. We scrambled for cover, pulling our rain jackets out of our backpacks. The temperature dropped (good thing for Merino wool)! Rivers of water, mud, we moved into the domik with our family - perhaps it was divine intervention - we had time to have a real language lesson with Naira, the mom, and Margerite the grandmother who helped us tremendously with pronunciation - Naira is a math teach and can read and write english but just not speak it very well - we used my notebook and were soon engrossed in learning new words and pronunciation . I showed them a photo of Alika holding Olive our hedgehog and Naira says, "oh, a voznie" -- like she sees hedgehogs all the time! They loved seeing our dogs and snow and photos of my family. The boys were playing games with Ross and Mitchell - we were all sharing photos and laughing and building something stronger than a home - we were building common ground.
After coffee and ice cream - vanilla - (which was really quite good) - and I'm not certain how it stayed frozen because the family does not have refrigeration the sun came out - it was time to work. We were almost done with the cement work and really wanted to complete it before we left for the day. We slogged through the mud to the house and began again -"Bucket Line Ganal (go)"... "Leeka" "Dardak"... and on we went until suddenly we had finished. It was 5:00 p.m. we had moved 1,522 buckets according to our official team counter, Jim (761 filled with cement, 761 empties).
Slogging through the mud to board the van, the sole of my shoe finally gave way and came off. Flopping to the bus I climbed on and wondered what to do - hiking boots are scarce if not impossible to find, when would we have time to find them - stores close before we get back from our work day... We decided that we would shop for Badinkas (boots or shoes with necks in Armenian) for me on Sunday - we would have a few minutes to do so inbetween attending a church service and preparing for our hiking day.
Hosed off, our team cleaned up and went to dinner - at a restaurant that had lo and behold ... lattes! And food: fantastic pancakes which are sort of like crepes filled with either cooked vegetables and cheeses or cooked meats and cheeses, fish salad, a "meat salad" which was like a ceasar, and vegetable soup that was similar to borscht with potatoes, beets, shaved carrots.
We were informed that our team had completed the work plan for our six construction days in three so we were way ahead of schedule. We are proud of that fact as that means the liklihood of our family moving into their new home before winter is much better.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Keys and Trees
Domiks along the river |
This morning we toured the domik villages in the inter-city of Vanadzor and along the river. There are hundreds. We met a woman named Noona who lived in her domik with her three boys Hachick (18) , Armen (20) and Artur(12) for 21 years. Their water source is down the block and they share an outhouse with the other families in the domik area. She was a wonderful person to meet - she earns her living in the market buying and selling vegetables, she was amazingly smart, resourceful, loving and courageous. Her husband and gone to Russia to work and send money but never returned - she found out later he had perished in 2001 of liver problems. She and two of her boys (one is in the Armenian army - required for all boys at age 18 for 2 years) will soon be moving into a Fuller Housing apartment.
Tatavik and Noona |
After the domik tour and shopping -we participated in a special key and blessing ceremony - the tv stations were there - it was quite the scene. It was a big to do - The dedication and house blessing ceremony was to award the keys to 15 families. The homes were built in an area where a newly built community building has been constructed and has neighborhoods of houses built through the Fuller Housing project with partnership of the City of Vanadzor and ARDA. The homes are constructed with new technology of Lazarian World Homes (with styrofoam blocks). The Mayor of Vanadzor, the Arch Bishop, Steve Lazarian, Stan Lazarian, Ashot - President of Fuller Center for Housing Armenia and our own Cynthia Erickson - team leader all spoke of the importance of these projects. It's humbling to be a part of all of this.
Certificate, keys and bible at ceremony |
Margahovit "Little Switzerland" |
baby trees |
A day filled with blessings and keys - keys to the past and to the future.
Buckets of Rain and Songs of Hope
heading for lunch in the domik |
The results of our bucket line - it's almost full! |
Bucket line under the tarp |
We dined in the domik today with the family for lunch - all of us squeezed into a tiny space to sit at a lavishly decorated table filled with amazing home cooked food. On our breaks Armenian coffee, cakes and breads are filling in the calories we burn on the bucket line.
Saturday we return to the home to begin concrete work.
Pottery vessels made by children |
We met all 50 children who are currently being served. They were beautiful, eager to meet and speak with us. The program provides transportation, well balanced meals, medical and dental care, psychological and social services, classes for them to learn skills and talents and overall builds their confidence. The kids sang us songs, asked us questions after we had introduced ourselves to the classrooms and showed us their artwork. They make beautiful paintings, pottery and wood carvings. Most families served earn less than $100 per month, many don't have an income and government assistance provides about $30/month.There is tremendous dedication to the children served.
ORRAN School for Children |
After the children were taken home, we enjoyed a meal with the staff and had a chance to practice our Armenian and they their English. We found out they have a flourishing Junior Achievement program (who knew it would be in Vanadzor).
Amenia as a country is very dedicated to its children - they are revered and cherished. Education is a priority. Literacy is extremely high. There is love. There is hope.
The Nose Knows
I've learned a new phrase that I wanted to share.
Hayoon Keeta Antharabes Medze
Translation: The Armenian nose is generally big.
Chuckle Chuckle.
This is perfect! As I look around at all the faces and people who share the same nose as mine ... amazing!
Hayoon Keeta Antharabes Medze
Translation: The Armenian nose is generally big.
Chuckle Chuckle.
This is perfect! As I look around at all the faces and people who share the same nose as mine ... amazing!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Buckets and Mountains
The Team, our first night in Yerevan standing in Republic Square |
New house left; domik right |
Gorgeous mountains |
We have arrived in Yerevan Armenia. There are nine Americans on our team; eight are from Minnesota and one from Maryland: Cynthia (our team leader), Kathleen, Connie, Meg, Mitchell, Ross, Gwen, Jim and Me. Three members of our team are from Armenia and work for Fuller Housing based out of Yerevan: Melik, Tatevik, and Jivan.
chicken coop |
We visited their domik today as the house we're building with them is being built right next door.
One small wood stove heats the entire structure - the walls are about 1/8" - 1/4" inch thick metal with patches of tin, cardboard and old vinyl billboards -they have placed wood on the floor but there are spaces between the wood slats where you can see the metal. Their roof consists of pieces of metal, vinyl billboard and wood scraps.
Stove in domik |
Outhouse |
Today, we formed a line and passed 7,348 buckets (3,674 filled with sand, rocks and dirt) - into the home. The home is made from Armenian Tuva stone - very solid and well insulated. We're putting in fill before we put a concrete floor on top. Most likely we'll be doing this for three more days. Thanks to team member Jim for keeping a tally of our work. The family and Armenian team members are working with us, so we are learning Armenian words and they are learning English words.
Bucket Line |
Making Lavosh |
Time for muscle cream and bed.
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