2011 Global Builders Trip to Vanadzor and Yerevan Armenia. May 15- May 29.
Word of the day
Pedicure = toe refreshment
Padraste: we're ready
Verchatsene: we're finished
Dooile Leshark = bucket line
Ingher = friend
Vardaquin = pink
Gagarch = poppy
Vart = rose
Hogh = dirt
Skul = school
Achig = girl
Get = river
Dooster = daughter
Maireek/mama = mother
Avalush = see you later
Aghves = fox
Cove = cow
Hoki = soul/spirit
Beton = cement
Badinka = boots (in Russian)
Voznie = hedgehog
Leeka = full
Dartak = empty
Kyle/Gayle = wolf
Shoot -Shoot = fast/faster
Lav = good
Shatlav = best/ very good
Dune = house
Che = no
Voch = no
Hah = yes
IO = yes
Havanetsie = I like it
Eench Areshez = what is the cost
Auntsrev = rain
Tsegh = mud
Hav = chicken
Kar = stone
Khoomb = team
Dooile = bucket
Barkavatshel = prosper
Parev = Hello
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Armenian coffee
Armenian coffee recipe:
Finely ground/powdered coffee
1 tsp coffee
1/2 tsp sugar
1 cup water
Bring to boil 1 or 2x's
Sometimes you can add milk and boil it again.
Drink from teeny tiny cup and enjoy!