Word of the day

Pedicure = toe refreshment
Padraste: we're ready
Verchatsene: we're finished
Dooile Leshark = bucket line
Ingher = friend
Vardaquin = pink
Gagarch = poppy
Vart = rose
Hogh = dirt
Skul = school
Achig = girl
Get = river
Dooster = daughter
Maireek/mama = mother
Avalush = see you later
Aghves = fox
Cove = cow
Hoki = soul/spirit
Beton = cement
Badinka = boots (in Russian)
Voznie = hedgehog
Leeka = full
Dartak = empty
Kyle/Gayle = wolf
Shoot -Shoot = fast/faster
Lav = good
Shatlav = best/ very good
Dune = house
Che = no
Voch = no
Hah = yes
IO = yes
Havanetsie = I like it
Eench Areshez = what is the cost
Auntsrev = rain
Tsegh = mud
Hav = chicken
Kar = stone
Khoomb = team
Dooile = bucket
Barkavatshel = prosper
Parev = Hello

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bonjour and Blessings


Minneapolis Airport ready to board!
Bonjour! Having just finished a Cafe Late Paris style, I'm sitting in the airport sporting quite a sleep deprived buzz (it's 2:30 a.m. to me but 9:35 a.m. to most others here) waiting for my connection to Yerevan.  My friend, fellow traveler and team member Kathleen Riley, is here with me - she's currently trying to figure out how to log onto Yahoo and having troubles - easy to have when you feel slightly drunk from lack of sleep.   In any event, I'd like to share some ramblings:

Delta airlines Minneapolis does not win any points for the way they handle check-in for international flights - boasting fully automated systems that quickly scan your passport and send you on your way efficiently with no human interaction; time saving device... - HAH!  and HUMPH to that! Their entire bank of computers began malfunctioning. One by one the monitors started to freeeze sending panicked passengers into an enormously long line where we waited for a human being to check us in - there were three agents assisting and abruptly, one of them decided to go on break...perhaps she couldn't face the unruly crowd.   So there you have it... lesson learned " heed the recommendations to arrive early and allow ample time to check-in".

On a more serious note:  On the plane, a saying came to mind that sums up my feelings right now:  "Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel."  I am so thankful for the blessings I've received from so many of you - near and far  - for this trip.  I would not be here right now if not for your encouragement and belief so to you all out there... thank you/merci.   I did not end up here soley on my own and recognize all of the people who helped me reach this point.  I'm honored to have you with me on this journey. 

Three hours left of layover time. Next stop - Yerevan, Armenia where Gohar, our Armenian guide and project coordinator, will pick us up and drive us to the hotel.

Blessings to you all.